Dec 3, 2008

A Thought about the Aftermath...

Last week’s events numbed me. I couldn’t think, I could barely sleep, I could barely keep my thoughts from straying back to the attacks.

Like everyone else my eyes were glued to the news channel and for those 60hours my thoughts were baffled.

A week later and the out cry from Mumbai’s citizens has been phenomenal. Protests…. Peace marches…. Human Chains….. Letters…. Blogs…. And so on!!!! People are pouring out into the streets raising their voices against the attacks, fighting both, an incompetent government and terror.

Its not the first time Bombay has faced such horrific events. It’s certainly not the first time the city’s citizens have had to face such shock. And yet, the response to this particular attack has been phenomenal. South Bombay yesterday saw professionals, well dressed and well educated walking the streets, screaming slogans in an effort to voice their opinions.

The question in my mind is not why the Government was caught sleeping yet again… Its where were was this outcry, this magnitude of people, this response when the trains were blown up in 2006… when Bombay was flooded … Buses were blown up????

Is it because people will support what effects them? Have we become such an inhuman set of citizens that we won’t give our time for anything that doesn’t affect us?

Rahul Bose had some interesting things to say on Tehelka...

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