Mar 13, 2009

Revolutionary indeed.

One of Hollywood’s latest contributions to the world of cinema has been a hard hitting yet poignant film Revolutionary Road. The film explores (at least in my opinion) two very important elements of life; happiness and love. If you have watched the film you will know what I am talking about.The film revolves round a middle class couple raising their family in suburban America, who are suddenly faced with the unexpected problem of monotony and emptiness.

After having watched the film yesterday, I started wondering how life in Mumbai has evolved for many who have been brought up here. Our suburbs look and feel different from the city area, but are still very much a part of the city. So the question of living in a quiet locality is out of the question, unless of course you are fortunate to live in one of Mumbai’s quaint villages. We grow up dependent on noisy fans and honking vehicles to lull us to sleep. We cherish every moment of privacy we get and every inch of personal space we are offered.

We are reared on a charted course, much like that of an average middle class American say back in the 50’s/60’s. Graduate, find a good job, get married, have children and bring your children up to live the same charted course.

When do we see the light of a revolution in ourselves?

When do we realize that an ideal is what we make it out to be?

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